One Liberty Plaza 165 Broadway, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10006.

Michael King

Finance & Commerce

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Phone: +1(800) 123-4567
Email: [email protected]
Skype: seniormanager

Lisa Larson

“The company saved us thousands in licensing fees. The guys were really helpful in helping us understand the procedures and prepare us for the challenges ahead.”

Jacob BaleConstruction Project Manager
James Watson

We needed a partner like Mailliw Permit Expediting Consultants. We saved a lot of time that we might have otherwise spent on running after the government and other authorities.

Joanna ChenJunior Architect
Chris Doe

The team at Mailliw Permit Expediting Consultants was helpful throughout. They were kind to address all concerns and kept us in the loop until we finally had the permit.

Sarah Ferguson Construction Scheduler

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