One Liberty Plaza 165 Broadway, 23rd Floor, New York, NY 10006.

Permit Expediting for Multi-Family Developments

Permit Expediting for Multi-Family Developments

We help local developers with multi-family residential developments.

Mailliw Permit Expediting Consultants take care of permitting and entitlement, assisting clients in speeding up the permit process while meeting construction deadlines. Our experts help you with mixed-use developments, parking area modifications, common area remodeling, large-scale renovations, high-rise building construction, and more.

Our strong relationships with authorized city, state, and county bodies allows us to make the process hassle-free for our clients. With several success stories of permit expedition of large-scale developments, Mailliw Permit Expediting Consultants is a proven name in the permits industry. Work with us to make your submittals and permits done fast.

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